March 11, 2010
Networking sites can help you build relationships with customers, generate feedback and market awareness so it is essential to get it right.
We suggest the following:
1.Browse other profiles. What draws your attention and what pushes you away? Who do you want to connect with?
2.Get the essentials right. Tell your reader who you are and what you do succinctly and clearly in two sentences. Include a link to your website. You will get the chance to elaborate as you get to know people.
3.Use the language of the medium. Business networking platforms such as LinkedIn, should be considered like any other networking opportunity and you should behave as you would at say an IOD function.
4.People will want to know how credible you are so mention qualifications. Goals are important, too – so spell them out.
5.Let a little personality through. It should not be all about work – your interests can open doors with others who share them. Balance work and personal information sensibly, though, and think about who you want to connect with.
6.Post a picture. Photographs are more immediate than words, but a picture must be right for the medium.
7.Brand your profile. Most platforms allow you to change colours or add background images. Use your company livery to reinforce your viewer’s connection with your firm’s brand.
8.Keep it fresh. Update your profile regularly. If your goals change, or you’ve got a great success story, add that in. If people can see that you have been recently active on a profile they will be more inclined to connect with you.
9. Don’t sell, engage. Never use your profile to try to sell to people – they will leave immediately and there are other channels you can use to talk about your product or service. The aim of your profile is to give people a reason to connect with you, rather than with your business.
10. Keep your site up to date with rich content. Good content once a month is better than drivel once a week.